Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Listen up.From now on I shall be posting reviews various things,starting from softwares to gadgets.Again if you want me to review a particular Gadget or software or anything email me at

Friday, January 23, 2009

Another year,another Call of duty.Game studios like Activision and EA games all use the infamous technique of rushing games,this makes games less anticipated so we dont care whether we like them or not,while studios like UBISOFT,Lucasarts and Eidos generally push back their games generating a lot of hype and anticipation,which when not fulfilled,generates deep disappointments.Not saying COD 5 is crap!Actually its quite the opposite!I know a lot of you have played its predecessor Modern Warfare.Well heres the thing.The makers at Treyarch have created what we call a 'Play Safe' sequel!The game will loke like a mod pack for COD4 at first.However the game is back in the WW2 era which is quite comfortable for me.The big difference from its prequel is (apart from the weapons) the gore effects.This makes COD5 really worth playing.Shoot a guy on the head with a shotgun and it blows off!!Machine gun fire will "literally" rip a guy into shreds.So is it really worth playing.

My one word answer would be YES.My long answer would be:-think before you play it.If you are looking for a solid shooter,go for it.If you are looking for a genuine WW2 experience,green light for you.If you want an improvement over COD4 and didnt like it very much,dont come near this game.

If you have read this far,I guess it wont hurt to tell you this game's setting.You know WW2 was a pretty long war.This game is set in the last few years.Extraordinarily the developers have set the game in the pacific theatre between the US and Japan and the Eastern theatre between the Soviets and the Germans.The US missions are weaker compared to the Russian ones but nevertheless its the only WW2 game to feature the Pacific theatre.

In conclusion I would say CODWAW was a fine game,surely one of the best shooters out there and definitely an improvement over its predecessors,a minor one really.Although some lovers of COD4 may not like it but you should give it a try.Even if you dont like it,dun worry the sixth title COD6-Modern Warfare 2 is coming out in July or August this year!Hurray for the rush technique!!!



Imagine the scene.........
The year is 1191.There's dust in your eyes.The temperature is over 100 and its a hot sultry windless afternoon in jerusalem.The marketplace is sparsely crowded,the merchants are advertising their merchandise.Suddently a man dressed in white appears out of nowhere and starts climbing a building.He is being followed by a platoon of guards,all desperate to slit his throat.The guards try to throw stones at the man,but he is too quick,jumping from rooftop to rooftop,evading them and finally jumping into a haystack conveniently placed at the bottom of every building.Thats about 6 hours in the total 13 hour game play of assassin's creed.I know this small paragraph may not sound very attractive,but its the premise of this game,which makes it a hit.Most of us have played Prince of persia,a game very similar to AC and obviously developed by th same company UBISOFT.The aspect it shares from the POP games is that,it relies on acrobatics and is set in the middle east.POP is a fantasy while AC tries to depict real histotical events.It is set during the third crusade(holy wars betwwen muslims and christians).Saladin controls jerusalem and damascus and tries to protect them from king Richard who has captured Accra.The player takes the role of Altair ,a member of the secret society of assassins,who desperately try to end their conflict.Your master Al mualim gives you tasks of assassinatingsome templars.You have to travel to the 3 cities of damascus,jerusalem and accra.You have to investigate,eavesdrop,intimidate and even pickpocket to get closer to your enemy. Curiously the game is actually set in 2012,and you actually play thru the memories of one Desmond Miles using a machine called the Animus.I dont want to spoil any more of the story elements but lets say the gamers are in for a little surprise.

Which brings me to my next point and quite frankly my favorite-Graphics.One word,just amazing!The models,textures,animations all simply breathtaking.If you own a really powerful computer then be ready for a blast because assassins creed can simply take you to the past visually.The AI is superb,show acrobatics near a bazaar and people comment you have gone mad!The score is composed by Jesper Kyd,the same guy who composed the score for the hitman games.The score is a beautiful mix of nostalgic,orchestral scores with electronica.It gives a genuine feeling of the 12th century.The character voices are also well done,all except Altair,who strangely sounds like an American!The controls are a breeze for those who can master it.The only complaint i have against this game is that it tends to get repetitive.

It's hard to put the sheer size and brilliance of Assassin's Creed into words. It is an epic game that you have to experience for yourself. I will caution that the game is not for the impatient or the faint of heart. While you can plow through the main storyline in under 20 hours, to truly get every single last shred of gaming goodness, you will probably have to put in twice that number.
If you liked POP,you will be insane not to get this.


Welcome fellow gamers and time wasters!!!

Do you suffer from migraines whenever you try to decide between NFS and Burnout games?
Do you feel tensed about the new Call of duty or Prince of Persia?
Do you feel the need of another scapegoat to tell you whether to try a game or not?
Or are you here just to waste your time?

If you exhibit any of the above mentioned symptoms,then you will find my blog productive.I will try to review some of the latest and not so latest games on my blog,in order to assist you in this extra terrestrial world of digital entertainment.Happy gaming.

If you require a particular game review,feel free to email me at